Tree Of Savior "Game Review"
Tree Of Savior “Game Review”
“Tos” abbreviation for “Tree Of Savior”
The difficulty level is set so that anyone in this game can easily do.
Therefore, rather than enjoying the game, it may not be interesting if you do not enjoy the game by finding a group.
By the way, I play a game on “channel1” in the server list “サウレ”.
The name is called “zenchi”. I write “善知-ゼンチ” in Japanese.
By the way, because I am Japanese, I only communicate with Japanese.
Currently I am studying English.
abbreviation for, B01N0TCF6R, because I am Japanese, By the way, channel1, Currently I am studying English, Game Review, I only communicate with Japanese, I play a game on, in Japanese, in the server list, it may not be interesting if you, rather than enjoying the game, The difficulty level is set so that, The name is called, Tree Of Savior, zenchi, サウレ, ツリーオブセイヴァー,
The other day, “TED” was telling about the darknet.
I was shocked a little after listening to it.
By the way it is “bit coin” that is used for trading on “dark net”.
Knowing that, it gave a glimpse of the danger of “bit coin”.
“Bit coin” is still used for “money laundering” and “blackout”, so there is no promise ….
It seems that it can not be connected unless you connect with “tor” to connect to “Darknet”.
Darknet can not be connected with “Chrome” or “Firefox”. That is why “Darknet” is not used for bad things.
For example, “Darknet” is a powerful weapon to defeat the “dictatorship regime”.
So depending on the way you use it, “dark net” becomes both good and bad things.
“Bitcoin” can identify individuals.
But if you use a certain method………..
becomes both good and bad things, bit coin, But if you use a certain method, By the way it is, can identify individuals, Can not connect with browsers like, darknet, Darknet can not be connected, dictatorship regime, I was shocked a little after listening, is a powerful weapon to defeat the, is not used for bad things, is still used for, it gave a glimpse of the danger, It seems that it can not be, money laundering, So depending on the way you use, so there is no promise, that is used for trading on, was telling about the darknet,