文字数[752文字] この記事は1分56秒で読めます.
This year's goal.{2018}
This year’s goal.{2018}
1.Studying English.
2.Write blog posts in English(At first it is unknown English …).
3.I write articles without using Google translation from the middle of this year.
Thinking about the future
What is wrong with seriousness?
Perhaps it is a wrong way of thinking.
It brainwashing such as television. Society is supported by serious people.
I am not serious.
It is recently that the culture of being seriously bad was made.
By mistaken recognition this time I did not say that seriousness was no good.
Why is that? It is important to think.
Before you can imagine, there is everything in front of you.
There may be more people to think like that, but that is a mistake.
Imagine the most needed capability in the future.
1119番目の投稿です/132 回表示されています.
2.Write blog posts in English, 3.I write articles without using Google, At first it is unknown English, Before you can imagine, but that is a mistake, By mistaken recognition this time I did, I am not serious, Imagine the most needed capability in the, It brainwashing such as television, It is important to think, It is recently that the culture, Perhaps it is a wrong way, Society is supported by serious people, there is everything in front of you, There may be more people to think, Thinking about the future, This year's goal, What is wrong with seriousness, Why is that,