Divination or AI
Hand divination
Fortune telling is statistical so it can be trusted quite a bit.
So, I believe in fortune telling.Also, psychology is pretty reliable.
I think that artificial intelligence is fundamental, statistics.
So, the same as fortunetelling. Therefore, both have high reliability.
It seems that statistics has become popular
also in the general public as artificial intelligence has become popular.
I believe that it is now possible to infer people’s lives using Google’s large data.
In the future, artificial intelligence will give you instructions and if the instructions allow people to live a happy life of life.
Will you follow the instructions of artificial intelligence?
I think I will obey. But I think most people will not obey.
also in the general public as artificial, artificial intelligence will give you instructions, both have high reliability, But I think most people will not, Divination or AI, Fortune telling is statistical so it can, Hand divination, I believe in fortune telling.Also, I believe that it is now possible, I think I will obey, I think that artificial intelligence is, In the future, It seems that statistics has become popular, psychology is pretty reliable, the same as fortunetelling, Therefore, Will you follow the instructions of artificial, 統計学,
Planning and goal is different?
Planning and goal is different?
The goal of studying English is a long-term goal. I will not achieve it by the end of the year.
Therefore, I intend to continue studying patiently. Initially I start by learning English words. And I will write a sentence when I remember it all.
Writing before, contradicting what you wrote…
I sometimes say contradiction. I wrote what was contradictory this time, so I will correct it.
In my case, I will not run it immediately. So, there are things you may wonder about.
So in my case to run it will be slower than others.
And I will write a sentence when, contradicting what you wrote, I intend to continue studying patiently, I sometimes say contradiction, I will not achieve it by the, I will not run it immediately, I wrote what was contradictory this time, Initially I start by learning English words, Planning and goal is different, so I will correct it, So in my case to run it, The goal of studying English is a, there are things you may wonder about, Therefore, Writing before, 技法, 矛盾,