Planning and goal is different?



Planning and goal is different?
The goal of studying English is a long-term goal. I will not achieve it by the end of the year.
Therefore, I intend to continue studying patiently. Initially I start by learning English words. And I will write a sentence when I remember it all.
Writing before, contradicting what you wrote…
I sometimes say contradiction. I wrote what was contradictory this time, so I will correct it.
In my case, I will not run it immediately. So, there are things you may wonder about.
So in my case to run it will be slower than others.

著者名  @taoka_toshiaki




And I will write a sentence when, contradicting what you wrote, I intend to continue studying patiently, I sometimes say contradiction, I will not achieve it by the, I will not run it immediately, I wrote what was contradictory this time, Initially I start by learning English words, Planning and goal is different, so I will correct it, So in my case to run it, The goal of studying English is a, there are things you may wonder about, Therefore, Writing before, 技法, 矛盾,