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It is best not to modify the registry. Make a backup when you do.



Good morning. It’s better not to modify the registry in Windows 11. If you do, make sure to take a backup. I, unfortunately, didn’t take a backup and messed with the Bluetooth registry, causing issues with the recognition of Bluetooth 5 devices. As a result, I had to use Bluetooth 4 devices until recently.

I decided to take action and realized that things couldn’t continue as they were, so I performed a fresh installation of Windows 11. However, it took quite some time to reinstall all the software on my custom-built PC, and ultimately, it ended up consuming my entire day off. As I mentioned in my recent blog post, I also want to separate my work PC from my personal PC. It’s a matter of mindset and being prepared for any potential issues. I’ve kept separate accounts and made sure to minimize the usage of the C drive space.

For now, I’m able to work with this setup. ‘HIROYUKI’ once said that installing antivirus software is foolish, but I wonder what the consensus is on that matter. How do you all handle it?

著者名  @taoka_toshiaki



-i, and ultimately, but I wonder, couldn't continue as they were, devices, devices until, drive space, Good morning, HIROYUKI, However, I'm, installing antivirus software, is foolish, it ended up, it took, matter, on my custom-built, once said that, recently, unfortunately,

I have a story about requesting a PS5 invitation.



Good morning. After spending two days staring at Amazon and wrestling with the decision, I impulsively clicked “Buy” on the PS5 invitation request. However, I still haven’t received the purchase invitation email. It seems that most people receive the invitation email within about two weeks. Also, I learned that this invitation request remains valid for 12 months from the moment of purchase, so I’ll patiently wait.

In addition, the PSVR converter arrived the other day, and it’s sitting beside my PS4 as I wonder when I’ll be able to use it. I can’t help but wonder if it’s a system where Amazon’s Black Card holders, for example, get priority access to purchase items. It doesn’t seem to be just a first-come, first-served basis.

There must be people who planned to purchase a PS5 at least in time for the release of FF16. If it were Akihabara or somewhere similar, it would probably be relatively easy to buy a PS5, but since I live in a rural area, buying online is the norm.

It would be quite a shock if it turned out that they actually had them in stock at local stores like Yamada Denki… but I highly doubt it. Still, I’ll go take a look, just in case.

著者名  @taoka_toshiaki



also, Buy, decision, first-served basis, haven't received the purchase invitation, highly doubt, However, I'll, invitation email, It doesn't, It seems, it would, items, like Yamada Denki, patiently wait, similar, so I'll, Still, weeks, when,